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  • Shannon L. Stites

A Hunting We Will Go!

Though our temperatures are back in the 80's here during the day, fall is in the air in the evening. Cooler temps are rolling in and doves, ducks, cranes, and geese are starting to make the trip south. We have been gearing our dogs up here at the lodge by getting them on live birds using chukar and hens and will get them on wild birds for local opener on public land. This helps get them into the swing of things and sets them up for success once we have clients, other dogs, and the action gets fast and furious. Every year we have our guide dog rock stars that make things look easy, but we are also trying to get the next generation some experience and up and running. This means making sure the dogs can handle pressure, fast and furious action, other dogs and handlers, and still do their jobs. That is a tall order for a young dog and takes quite a bit of work. This is just one step in getting prepared for our 2022 Upland Season.

Of course getting the lodge ready is a major task. Scrubbing carpets, "spring cleaning", restocking, creating a menu, hiring enough staff, and getting everything back in order. That is the least fun and glamorous part of the season. Our motivation is getting our clients back into the field and getting to watch them have the hunt of their life. We love creating successful grounds, a safe hunt, and giving you a experience to remember. Here is to another year of good birds, great food, and clients that have become friends. We cannot wait to get this season under way.

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